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Astronomy by Michelle
Astronomy Mall
Supernova in NGC1637...
an independent discovery
On October 29,1999, I set up to do my supernova search program at the observatory at Plettstone. Just before midnight, my automated scripts and robotic mount finished their work.? I had collected data on some 50 galaxies. The moon was scheduled to rise shortly and I had still enough time to shoot a couple more galaxies. I always enjoy the time when I can personally interact with the systems.??
I have the opportunity to determine the exact parameters for how I will shoot a deep sky object.
The first galaxy I chose was too close to the meridian for adequate exposures, so I moved to the second target. A thumbnail of the galaxy (by the Palomar Observatory) served as my reference shot. This is a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation of Eridanus. |
As the data downloaded from the first of 70 exposures, I gasped as I looked at what most people would consider a very boring image with very little detail. (Many images we see, including that on this page, are created by "stacking" several lower quality images.)?? Even though it was cool out, I flushed warm with delight.?? |
My original discovery image (reduced)
I had discovered a supernova! A single star stood out just to the right of the galaxy core... a star not visible on the reference shot.
A loud "YeeYow" echoed down through the valley! This was a major milestone in my life.? I had to settle down though.? You see, I've learned that a single data set doesn't prove anything. Some Digital Sky Survey reference pictures obscure close stars with overexposure for example.?And there have been two cases where I had false readings due to equipment limitations.?
I imaged the galaxy over the next hour to collect enough data to compose the image we see here. |
Supernova 1999em appears to the upper right of the galaxy core.
ST7 camera, C11 at F6.3, 20 one minute exposures at bin2 were stacked for the luminance layer. 5 one minute exposures at bin 3 in each RGB channel were stacked for the color. Image processed in MaximDL and Adobe? photoshop.
With each data set I combined, the star became better defined.?As soon as I arrived home on Sunday, I checked previous? observations on the web for the galaxy NGC1637. I frantically searched for the supernova detection site as I reviewed shot after shot of this galaxy.? Indeed, I had discovered a supernova! |
Lick had also discovered the same supernova the same evening. I submitted my data just in case.? Due to the timing of the submission, my data has been? accepted? as an independent discovery. At face value, it means that I don't get my name on the discovery. However to my own satisfaction, I was the first to actually see with human eyes the ancient light! And my data has been submitted and accepted for use in evaluating the supernova.? My data support a magnitude of 14.25 while that of Lick Observatory is 13.5.?
This has been classified as a type II supernova, a likely candidate for a soon to be black hole.? I'm sure that the large observatories will be keeping track of this event? to see the story unfold.? So will I. |