My goal here is to share my experiences and personal preferences with others. The task of choosing equipment is a difficult one. It is made worse by the fact that most of the quality equipment is not available through retail outlets. Please let me know what you think or if you have something to add... Michelle
Optical Tube Assemblies:
Plettstone Custom?
Celestron 8" SCT?
Celestron 11" SCT
Celestron HD150 achromat refractor
Obsession 18" Newtonian reflector
Starmaster Newtonian reflectors
Vixen 102mm flourite refractor
Vixen/Celestron Great Polaris GEM
Beefing up the Great Polaris Tripod
Losmandy G11 GEM
Cold weather gear
Keeping warm by Michelle
Do the Dew. Protecting your optics from the wet stuff
Winter clothing for California observing by John Kuklewicz
An eyepiece essay by Jay Reynolds Freeman
CCD photography
Factors to consider when designing your CCD system
Starlight Express HX516 CCD camera
Tow missile seeks peaceful future as a telescope case