I've moved to Plettstone and I'm building telescopes. After years of observing, I'm finally resolving those annoying telescope problems by building my own. Take a look at the Plettstone Telescope website.
Read the details of my independent discovery of Supernova 1999em at Plettstone!!
Photos of celestial objects are featured in the Astrophotography section. Please drop in and browse through them.
Our Product Reviews section contains information about amateur astronomy gear. If you would like a review posted here, please submit it!

Photo of the week:?
Astronomy really can be a lot of fun. Read some of the Observing reports that friends and I have written.
Science news contains current articles of scientific interest. Check them out!
Astronomy Books are available through this site. If you don't see something that interests you, please use the search engine provided.
Just getting started? The "New to Astronomy" page can get you going. You'll find the basics here.

You may contact Michelle Stone by clicking here.
And be sure to check out my other sites:
Custom Telescopes by Plettstone
Woodworking by Michelle Stone
Castle Rock State Park
Portola Redwoods State Park
Rent a scope from:
Pyxis Ventures