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Plettstone Products
Our telescope lineup:
12.5 inch F5
The perfect design for folks that are 5' to 5'8" tall. You'll easily be able to reach the eyepiece without a step stool. Or, if you are taller, you'll have a relaxing viewing session while seated. The focuser is set at a 45 degree angle so that you can easily see objects lower in the sky. The rocker box pivot point is set a little higher than most other scopes so that you don't have to sit on the ground to view those lower objects. The 12.5 inch scope is beautifully compact, easily stored, and transported. The entire scope weighs only 50 pounds!


16" F4.5
Our newest entry into our telescope lineup. You'll spend most of your night comfortably standing while you view through the eyepiece. A single step will get you to the eyepiece on the higher placed celestial objects. We feel that the 16" scope is all most observers will ever need. It has enough aperture for a life time of observing projects. It's also light enough to carry and small enough for easy storage. Total weight for the scope is only 75 pounds. The footprint of this scope is only 21.5" square... the smallest in the business! We can accommodate 15" F4.5 and 14.5" F4.5 mirrors in this assembly as well.
18" F4.2
If you find yourself staying up till the crack of dawn looking at 16th magnitude dim fuzzies, then this is the scope for you. You'll be able to tease out numerous galaxies in Abell clusters and Hickson groups. The beautiful brighter objects explode with high detail. You will appreciate the lighter weight of the Highe design on this scope! The focuser is placed on the top ring about 5 degrees off axis to more easily viewing at lower altitudes. Total weight for the scope is only 95 pounds! The heaviest component is the mirror box weighing in at around 45 pounds.

Features not found in your typical 18" telescope:
- With a 2 pound sliding counterweight you can easily maintain balance when you are using a 5mm plossl, Paracorr, or a binoviewer with twin Panoptics.
- We set the back focus so all those eyepieces and binoviewers will come to focus. And we test each scope to make sure that they do!